Tuesday 18 September 2018

Latest POS Trends promising Big Benefits to Small Retailers

Today more than every business are dependent on data to provide customer a high level of customer service. This has led to emergence of some eye catching and useful trends in POS solutions especially for small retailers.

Every small retailer who dream to grow big and expand business in smart manner will find them very very useful.

  • The Cloud Technology 
The cloud support for POS will uplift the bar of customer services by providing an on-demand solution in a comprehensive manner from all servers of service providers. It will reduce the cost in terms of cost of point of sale ownership. Also, retailers will not have to bear up any expense of network infrastructure.

  • Multi-system Integration
Integration of POS with different applications will boost employees productivity and streamline business processing. Retailers will be able to have access to a centralized repository of customer data by using the integration feature of POS to integrate it with the ERP database.

  • Marketing & Promotion 
The amount of user consuming digital data is huge and almost never ending. Retailers can integrate all types of advertisements to target potential users as well as tracking the impact of these advertising campaigns can be tracked in an easy manner. Upon POS integration with CRM, user behavior can also be tracked which will provide better insights to mold the marketing campaigns.

  • The Big Data
Big data has a big advantage in terms of dominating the competitors. It will provide the inside picture of the store. The data about which are the most and least popular products among customers will help retailers to better update their store with right product in the right amount.

  • Security
Security, as usual, can never be ignored on any ground. It is crucial factor to ensure customer data is beyond the reach of hackers and gives customer peace of mind while doing the transaction from the POS machine. Use of standard encryption and firewalls secure business from all types of cyber attacks.

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