Tuesday 8 January 2019

Latest Retail Industry trends every Retailer must know

The retail industry has witnessed major transformation in last few years and is supposed to evolve even more in 2019. In 2019 retail market will be affected by technologies that will change the manner of consumer behaviour towards products and services.

Let us see what are these important factors and how will it change the retail industry

  • Artificial Intelligence

Retailers will have to depend a lot upon artificial intelligence. In 2019 machine learning, Big Data and AI backed personal assistants will be used more by retailers around the globe.

This technology will help customer to have a more personalised form of shopping experience based on customer data in POS system.

  • Small format Store

The small stores with almost negligible inventory will emerge as it will contain curated products and services. These store will be good in terms of providing better customer experience.

  • Augmented Reality
It is one of the most important technological trend to impact retail industry in positive way in 2019 . It will enable buyers to have a visual experience products before making a purchase. In this manner retail industry will be experience a huge rise in terms of ROI.

  • Buy Now Pay Later 

Just like other area the checkout process in retail industry is also evolving at good pace. In 2019 latest payment trend buy now pay later will catch maximum attention and retailers who adopt this option will see a surge in their business revenue. In this manner customer have the option to buy more and more.

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